Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Weston's Diagnosis

So today we had a wonderful blessing! We found an amazing doctor that we were able to get Weston in to see at very last minute notice. The drive was about an hour long (Union Hills / 51 North) Insurance does NOT cover the cost ($$$), I went with the 2 kids (by myself)...2 hours and LOTS of paper work later. We realized we found the perfect Doctor for our boys!!! Dr. Cindy Schneider is a D.A.N. doctor. Defeat Autism Now. I took Weston to see her to talk about all of the therapies he is receiving and possible treatments and diagnosis for him...Recap - On Sat. the 21st I noticed Weston was walking funny so I took off his clothes and let him run around in his diaper, so I could figure out what was going on... well his little ankles were rolling in just like Porter's did at that age. I was VERY shocked and wondered how long it had been this way. So Monday the 23rd I had him evaluated by a PT and was told he needed Orthodics to correct his pronation. We saw the DR. Tuesday and she told us Weston was FTT (Failure to Thrive) and hadn't gained any weight in 6 months(even with me sitting for at least an hour for every meal to get him to eat!!) and did in fact need the leg braces (eventhough he has been walking since 10 months) - By this point we were highly suspecting a Mitochondrial Disorder,(and still are) which is what Porter has as well...So today we saw Dr. Schneider and after 2 hours and a very educational appointment for ME... Weston has been diagnosed with Autism. While a lot of mom's would be shocked by this, we are just so grateful to have the help, love and support that we so desperately need to work our hardest to help him reach his goals and achieve the milestones set before him. Autism is VERY common. Some kids have GREAT eye contact and some social skills while others are very closed off from the rest of the world. This affects 1 in 150 kids!1 IN 150!!! Click Here for more info... So while we have a very long road ahead of us, I am so thankful for my angels who watch over me and teach me continually how to be a better Mother (Nurse, Therapist, Doctor, File Clerk, Advocate, Lawyer, Teacher...) It's a tough job and I pray I'll have everything I need to be bale to do it, but I GET TO DO IT!


Ryan and PJ Olson said...

Amy, you are such a wonderful mom! The love that you have for your kids is so evident and great to witness! I am so happy that you found a great doctor and got some answers. Thanks for sharing this. Love, PJ

SBrooks said...

Wow! That is crazy~! I cant believe how the Lord leads the road we are on sometimes. Fabulous! At least now, you know what you need to do and where to go from here. He is such a cute lil blondie! Love him!

karis stapley said...

I bet you are so grateful that you found a really fantastic Dr. It can def. make a difference in you & your kids needs. We wish you the best of luck with all the future en devours you have with this journey & know you'll do great! Weston is a doll & has the perfect mom to help him along his road. :)

tiffany knox said...

Im so glad that you have a dr you feel comfortable with. I wish they knew more about the mitochondrial disorder. I think youre superwoman even though technically thats my nickname only because of chris -I am looking forward to seeing your cuties and all! our spring break is april 13-17th. i do want to talk to you to see if you have scheduled to see other people since you havent been up here in a while. I know time goes fast so we'll chat on saturday. thanks amy cant wait!

Alishia said...

Your not alone!! We love you and will always help you. We love your little angel!! He's Matthew and Micah's best little buddy!!

anna said...

All I can say is wow. I actually never would have thought! You and Landon are so great with Porter and both Porter and Weston are lucky to have come to such a great family! I'm thrilled that you found a Dr. you love, isn't that half the battle?!
At least this go 'round you arm armed with so much more info, knowledge and understanding. You should form a group for moms with similar struggles, you would be such an asset to so many women!