Wednesday, March 25, 2009

I should be posting our spring break pictures...BUT(T)...check out my sassy jeans!

What do you think?

My mom came and rescued me with the kids today so I could go to a meeting. It was a VERY long day and as I was venting to her (as only a daughter can to a mother) - she interupts and says,"turn around" - now I was thinking I had something stuck on the back of my know I have 5 kids...and then she says,"where did you get those jeans?"
"Kohls" I answered.
"Well you should go right now and get another pair or two because they make your butt look great!" - have I told you I love my Mother!!!
So what do YOU think of my TooSuperLow Boot Cut 524 Levis' ?
By the way...Thanks mom for getting me another 2 pair!


Alishia said...

Aren't moms wonderful?!! The jeans are very cute, but I already told you that. Lucky you to have two more pair. When is your mom taking me shopping??

karis stapley said...

That's so great! I always say if you find a pair of jeans you look great in then stick with it cuz they are def. hard to find! So that's awesome! And they do look cute!

bb said...

Only a mother can tell you your butt looks great and you can feel good about it! You go girl!

bb said...

Ok, I am a dork! bb is me, Sarinah - forgot to sign my hubby out.

Wendy Hansen said...

I am so cracking up that you posted pictures of your butt!! But I will agree, you look great in those jeans. How funny that your mom told you and then got you a couple more pair. Thanks for the giggle, and your hair is SOOOO long. It's beautiful

Varney Family said...

Thanks to all for the comments. My mom was laughing so hard that I actually posted the pictures...I'm not sure anyone thought I would :) Life is too short to not have a good laugh and some fun - even if it's laughing at yourself.