Monday, August 10, 2009

First Day of School

Porter, James and Ruthie were SO excited for school this morning! So was Mommy :) They were on time with bags packed and ready to go! I can;t believe how big my kids are getting. Poor Weston wanted to go so bad....but he ended up sneaking into Ruthie's sparkly lip gloss and having his own fun with his new found playmate...Blake! What a fun to go and pick them up!!


Christine Bushman said...

we still have 10 more days!

what to do?! what do to?

Juvan Family said...

So cute! they are getting so big, can't believe it! what happened to those little babies playing footsie in relief society?

SBrooks said...

Wow! Now the fun begins..... Anyone up for some home projects???

Love Weston's eyes in the picture!

Akina's said...

YOU NEED TO MAKE MORE POSTS! I NEED TO SEE MY KIDDOS!!!! love ya! (aren't you proud i finally made one!)