Thursday, January 29, 2009

James' Birthday Pictures!

Happy Birthday James

James turned 7 years old on the 28th! We had a great day. He woke up to lots of decorations in not only the kitchen but his bedroom as well. He got a cool Star Wars Clone Wars carrier (that Mommy & Daddy found for a great deal at Sam's club!!!), some cool figures from his brothers and sister and cupcakes at school to boot! For his birthday dinner he wanted to go to Texas Roadhouse to eat rolls with cinnamon butter and have the balloon guy make him something cool :) After we came home and opened present with his best bud Dalin...he wasn't excited or anything...can you tell?! Happy Birthday James. We love you so much. You are such a sweet boy with so much love for everyone around you. You make us all smile and are such a great helper with all of your brothers and sister. Thanks for being our big man!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Sassy Do's

I just love having a little girl. With all these boys it's so fun to be able to play dress up and paint nails and do hair. Ruthie is such a great sport to sit and let mommy play with her hair! This is one of the do's that we've done and it turned out so stinkin cute! Though the blog that we loved to go to for ideas isn't there anymore. If you know of one I would love you to post it on the comments!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Reading Stories

I LOVE this picture! Landon loves to read to the kids and...can you tell...they love it too! I am so thankful to have such a wonderful father for our children. Love you Honey!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Little Sophie

This is Ruthie with Robin (the sweet lady we got Sophie from). We took Ruthie's stuffed animal carrier to pick up Sophie in so she could be safe in in the car :)

Well we had a fun New Year present for Ruthie and the kids. Our cat Stormy disappeared after getting out one night and the kids were so sad - especially Ruthie. So Landon suggested that maybe we could get a kitty for Christmas. Well Santa found a cute little one on Craigs' List and we picked her up on New Year's Eve! Her name is Sophie and she is a ball of fun. Daisy dog is scared to death of her - it is SO funny! She snuggles and plays and is learning the rules of the house. So here are a few pictures of our little Sophie.

For those of you who know Landon, this is such a sweet picture of my man who 'hates' cats!

Could she have a bigger smile on her face?!

Friday, January 9, 2009

New Year and New Beds

So Weston was finally ready for a big bed. The big move from the crib to the twin bed...hmmm HE was ready but I wasn't sure if I was ready! Some really awesome friends of our (the Keims) had these amazing custom Thomas Train beds the Kevin made ( he is incredibly talented) and they gave them to our boys (I still don't know how to properly thank them!) We absolutely LOVE them... Weston helped Landon put them together - helped as only a 2 year old can :) and several hours, 4 beds taken apart and put back together and 2 room changes this is the end result!